A car can help you arrange money, in case of financial crisis. Well, that does not mean that you have to sell your car to come out of financial crisis. There are banks that offer car title loan in which the car is used as the collateral. A car title loan is offered for a short term period to manage any kind of financial crisis.
People facing financial crisis rush to the banks or other financial institutions. However, there are formalities and proceedings which may take days before the loan amount gets sanctioned. These car title loans offer great relief and help people arrange money irrespective of the credit history that they have. Generally the banks and financial institutions do not offer loan to the people who have a bad credit history; but in case of car title loans, the objective is different, the loan period is short and the terms and conditions are rigid in terms of repayment period. A car title loan can be a boon to a borrower, provided he/she is able to repay the loan within the stipulated period.
A borrower, who possesses a car with the entire payment done for the same, will be eligible for the car title loan. The car will be used as collateral. The borrower needs to submit the car title and a set of car keys. However, the owner can continue using the car, as long as he repays the loan amount within the stipulated time. If you are applying for a car title loan, there are some documents that need to be submitted to get the loan sanctioned. These documents include address proof, age proof, identification card, references and last but not the least, the title certificate of the car.
A car title loan gets approved without any hassle and the financial institutions generally take 24-48 hours to hand over the loan amount to the borrower. There are Auto Equity Loans that are similar to car title loans; however in case of auto equity loans, an individual applying for the car title loan does not require to be the legal owner. In this case, the loan amount is generally half the value of the car.
There are other loans such as pink slip loans, collateral loans that are similar in nature. People in need of urgent money can easily apply through web. If the borrower has bad credit ratings, pink slip loans would be ideal for them.