Texas car title loans work in many ways like payday loans. Both loans provide a fast, simple application and approval process to get you the money you need in a hurry. With payday loans, your lender will need personal information like your income, but they will not check your credit. Payday loans are short-term, unsecured loans, so you do not have to provide anything as collateral. This means they come at a much higher risk to your lender with a higher interest rate for a lower amount of money, which is usually between $150 and $1,000 in the state of Texas.
While payday loans and Dallas may seem alike on the surface, they are very different animals. With Texas car title loans, lenders will still need the same information and not perform a credit check, but these loans require the use of your car or truck as collateral to secure your loan. When you apply for car title loans, San Antonio lenders will look at the value and equity in your vehicle and use this to determine your maximum loan amount. Your loan amount will likely be much higher than that of a payday loan because it's secured, so you may get anywhere from $1,000 to $15,000. You will also need to give the lender your title until you pay off your loan.
While your title loan provider will give you anywhere from one to three months to pay back your initial loan, you have the option of rolling your loan into a new one if you can't pay the balance back in full on time. You should avoid rolling over your balance at all costs, though, as this will mean you take longer to pay off your loan for additional interest charges, and extra fees to roll it over. As your balance gets higher, it will be even harder to pay it off and get your title back. This is why you should only borrow what you know you can afford to pay back!
Keep in mind most lenders will work with you to rearrange your payment agreement, but you need to call them as soon as you realize you're having problems. If you don't contact them and stick your head in the sand, defaulting on your loan, you will only make things worse and the lender will have the right to repossess your car with no notice, require you to pay the full balance before you get your car back, sell your car at auction and sue you for the remaining balance after your vehicle is sold.
The bottom line is Texas car title loans are a great resource, but they need to be used responsibly. Lenders do not want to repossess your car because it costs a lot of money and they rarely recover what you owe. Only borrow what you can afford to repay on time and always contact your lender if you're having trouble making minimum payments.