Car Title Loans are the new horizon of hope for those who have suddenly got into a deep financial crisis. These car title loans or vehicle title loans as they are commonly called offer an immediate relief from the existing trouble. People who fall into financial trouble either go to the money lenders, banks, or opt for credit cards for personal loans. Often people who have a bad credit history or record with the financial institutions are out rightly rejected by the same. Here, only the car title loans come as a boon for them.
Car Title Loans require the owner to have a car without any dues as it is a form of secured loan. The security in this case is the car itself. The owner has to submit only the title of the car. The car still remains with its owner until he becomes a defaulter.
A person who applies for the car equity loan has to provide certain documents to procure the loan. The title certificate of the car, a valid address proof, government identity cards such as pan card, driving license and also some references are submitted to obtain the loan. In some cases, the institutions also want a set of the car keys. These loans are very easily obtainable and the institutions take only a day or two to hand over the money to the borrower.
The Auto Equity Loans are similar to the car title loans. The only difference between the two is that, in case of auto equity loans, the person who applies need not be the legal owner as they may be paying the EMIs of their cars to the banks and at the same time needs to apply for this loan. The criterion for procuring this loan is same as the car title loan but the person who needs this loan should be an adult. The loan amount is normally half the price of the car but it is solely at the discretion of the lender.
Many other similar loans like collateral loans, pink slip loans, and online title loans are also available on net. People who have a bad credit rating or do not have credit ratings usually apply for the pink slip loans. They are available online and are easy to apply. People even avail these loans for one day to meet their needs and repay them the next day. They are clearly people’s ray of hope.
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